Britain’s anti-Covid-19 weight loss strategy

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec12,2023 #Britain #Covid #strategy
Britain's anti-Covid-19 weight loss strategy 2
Britain's anti-Covid-19 weight loss strategy 2

Britain will strictly control junk food advertising and require the calorie count of each dish to be clearly stated on restaurant menus in an effort to tackle obesity and reduce pressure on the National Health Service.

For Prime Minister Johnson, he is the person who clearly understands the connection between obesity and Covid-19.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson leaves Downing Street in London on July 8.

Studies have linked obesity to the risk of severe illness and death from Covid-19.

`I’ve wanted to lose weight for a long time, but like many people, I have difficulty controlling my weight,` he said.

As part of the government’s anti-obesity strategy, advertisements for foods high in fat, sugar and salt will be banned from broadcasting on television and the Internet from morning to 9pm every day to avoid children’s time frames.

All major restaurants and cafes must list the calorie count of each dish on their menus and the government will consider adding a calorie index to alcoholic drinks.

Obesity has long been considered an increasingly serious problem in the UK, consuming NHS resources.

Government statistics show that nearly two-thirds of adults in the UK are overweight or obese.

More than 45,000 people in the UK have died from Covid-19.

Prime Minister Johnson in a video posted to Twitter on July 27 said he had lost more than 6 kg since being hospitalized.

The Daily Telegraph reported that Prime Minister Johnson weighed 111 kg when he was hospitalized for Covid-19 three months ago.

Professor Parveen Kumar, spokesperson for the British Medical Association, the body representing doctors, said that the government’s new strategy `could contribute significantly to starting a health revolution for the country.`

But it did not receive support from the food and retail industries.

The federation affirmed that although they support the government in its efforts to help people be healthier, the proposed policies will not be effective and will only increase product costs.

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